Our Church

Faith Church began as a church plant at a store front on Broadway Street in 2015.  Currently, we worship in our own building at 101 Bidwell Street, Tillsonburg.  We are a congregation of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church which was formed in 1733 in Scotland.  Today the ARP has close to 300 churches in the United States and Canada. Our church is part of the Canadian presbytery with churches in Ontario and the Maritimes.

Our Church

Faith Church began as a church plant at a store front on Broadway Street in 2015.  Currently, we worship in our own building at 101 Bidwell Street, Tillsonburg.  We are a congregation of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church which was formed in 1733 in Scotland.  Today the ARP has close to 300 churches in the United States and Canada. Our church is part of the Canadian presbytery with churches in Ontario and the Maritimes.

For the Glory of God We Are…

Committed to the Bible

We hold to the Old and New Testaments which are without error and inspired by God. They are our ultimate authority regarding all things necessary for the glory of God and for the salvation, faith, and life of the church. (2 Timothy 3:16,17)

Committed to Worshipping God together on Sundays

God, by His Spirit and Word, calls the world to honour Him as God and to worship Him only. Conscious of God’s grace to us in Jesus Christ, we respond in joyful obedience to publicly and formally worship Him twice each Lord’s Day. (Psalm 100)

Committed to Christian Fellowship

As a worshiping church, we commit ourselves to being a fellowship united in Christ. To live in mutual love, humility, and care as we spend time together. And using our resources and gifts for each other and the community. (Philippians 2:1-4; Colossians 3:14-17)

Committed to Glorifying God in Our Church Life

We seek to glorify God in:

  • Our public worship on the Lord’s Day
  • Our pastoral care, discipleship and nurture of one another during the week in various ways
  • Our service to our local community by bringing them the gospel in word and deed
  • The faithful exercise of church governance and church discipline for the peace, purity and prosperity of the church

For the Glory of God We Are A Confessional Church

As a confessional church we agree together that certain statements of faith accurately summarize Biblical teaching. As a summary, the confessions do not add to the scriptures, nor are they to be understood as superior to the scriptures in any way. These confessions derive their authority from the scriptures, without which they would be but empty shells.

At Faith Church, we subscribe to the Reformed Statements of Faith contained in the historic Westminster Standards: The Westminster Confession of Faith, and the Westminster Shorter and Larger Catechisms. These doctrines have their roots not only in the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century but can be traced back through creeds and confessions to the early apostolic church.

For the Glory of God We Are a Presbyterian Church

To be Presbyterian means that our church government is a representative government in which the entire congregation elects elders, for the administration of spiritual affairs, and deacons for mercy ministry. This, however, does not mean that the congregation has no further voice in church affairs, for annual and called meetings of the congregation are held throughout the year.

In practice, this means that:

  • Presbyterians, ordain and install biblically qualified men to the office of elder and minster to serve Christ as His under-shepherds.
  • This ruling body, although selected from amongst the membership by election, is to recognize that they govern as under-shepherds of Jesus Christ as revealed in His Word.
  • In cases where elders may govern in a way that a member believes is unbiblical, the member may appeal to higher courts for a hearing and resolution.

Committed to Worshipping God together on Sundays

God, by His Spirit and Word, calls the world to honour Him as God and to worship Him only. Conscious of God’s grace to us in Jesus Christ, we respond in joyful obedience to publicly and formally worship Him twice each Lord’s Day. (Psalm 100)

Committed to Christian Fellowship

As a worshiping church, we commit ourselves to being a fellowship united in Christ. To live in mutual love, humility, and care as we spend time together. And using our resources and gifts for each other and the community. (Philippians 2:1-4; Colossians 3:14-17)

Committed to Glorifying God in Our Church Life

We seek to glorify God in:

  • Our public worship on the Lord’s Day
  • Our pastoral care, discipleship and nurture of one another during the week in various ways
  • Our service to our local community by bringing them the gospel in word and deed
  • The faithful exercise of church governance and church discipline for the peace, purity and prosperity of the church

Need Prayer?

Burdened, hurting, needing Jesus Christ?  Submit a prayer request by clicking the secure “prayer request” button below.  Your prayer request will go to our pastor’s confidential email.  As soon as it is received our pastor will pray for you.  God answers prayer according to His will.


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