Open Doors
Open Doors is a church-run ministry of mercy and discipleship. Our purpose is to serve the people of Tillsonburg by building healthy friendships in our town, teaching Scripture, sharing the good news of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and discipling those who come to faith in Christ.
Open Doors
Open Doors is a church-run ministry of mercy and discipleship. Our purpose is to serve the people of Tillsonburg by building healthy friendships in our town, teaching Scripture, sharing the good news of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, and discipling those who come to faith in Christ.

Every Friday a meal is served in the church basement at 101 Bidwell Street, Tillsonburg.
Volunteers welcome guests at 5:00 PM for refreshments and conversations. At 6:00 PM a time of prayer, Scripture reading, and devotion begins; and our time together ends with a hearty meal prepared by our volunteers. As relationships grow, so do the opportunities to become involved in people’s lives, and to serve them in various ways as the needs are known.
We look forward to the special services that are held throughout the year at Open Doors. Christmas Eve and Easter are special times where the congregation of Faith Presbyterian Church joins the Open Doors community for a time of worship and fellowship. Sharing the gospel, singing, and sharing a meal together gives increased opportunities to engage with people in our community in a meaningful way.
We cherish your prayers for the work of the Open Doors ministry. Please pray that all whom we serve will come to faith and have a personal relationship with our Lord. We also covet your prayers that the volunteers will have the stamina and wisdom needed to do the work, and that they would not become weary in well-doing.
Monetary support for our work of Open Doors is also greatly appreciated. Donations can be made by clicking the Donate Now link below.
As the Open Doors Ministry grows and opportunities to serve increase, we look forward to expanding by adding a counselling ministry soon.
Need Prayer?
Burdened, hurting, needing Jesus Christ? Submit a prayer request by clicking the secure “prayer request” button below. Your prayer request will go to our pastor’s confidential email. As soon as it is received our pastor will pray for you. God answers prayer according to His will.
Interested in Donating?
Are you interested in donating to Faith Church? Click the “donate” button below.